We are the COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE. We harness the conversations presented within, share what’s relevant and that which is encouraging. We are looking for volunteers to join our team who are familiar with the Adobe Design platform, along with other sharing and graphic programs. You can reach us at The.TCA.Communications@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Being able to engage in our community conversations, relations, and with our content ensures an opportunity for us to continue to thrive. The most valued part of relationships is communication. We created it to streamline how we engage with everyone in the community. The easiest way is to compartmentalize the information while sharing with all. We harness the conversations presented within, share what’s relevant and that which is encouraging. We are looking for volunteers to you join our team to enhance how we communicate.
There's power in numbers!
Click the icon to email us at: TheTantallonCats@gmail.com