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Family Engagement

Whether it set-up, breakdown, errand crew or sending emails, we would love to have you on-call to work with us. It’s never a dull moment on the FAMILY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Please email us at:

We look forward to engaging our amazing families in activities that brings us closer together. With focus on the elderly, kids, parents, singles and our animal babies, we want to create enriching expe- riences with our friends and neighbors.Through these activities we create lifelong bonds that continue to promote a long standing legacy of Tantallon.We are currently seeking volunteers who can be called upon to lend a helping hand for our exciting experiences. Whether it set-up, breakdown, errand crew or sending emails, we would love to have you on-call to work with us. It’s never a dull moment on the Family Engagement Committee!

hay poder en los números

Click the icon to email us at:


La Tantallon Citizens Association, Inc. (TCA) es una organización comunitaria que depende de la participación activa de voluntarios. Está formado por residentes de Tantallon-on-the Potomac y Tantallon Hills. Nuestro principal objetivo es mejorar el bienestar general de nuestra comunidad fomentando la responsabilidad, la inclusión y la transparencia.


CORREOS. Caja 44069

Fuerte Washington, MD 20749



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